Instructional Presentations
Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
Webcasts designed to supplement our text Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices Youtube
Geotechnical Site Investigation
- UC Davis Drilling and Sampling Video: High Res, Low Res
- Drilling and Sampling
- Cone Penetrometer Testing
- Hand augering
- Field Logging Guide (pdf)
- Editable boring log (xls)
Geotechnical Lab Tests
- Moisture content determination
- Unit weight determination using undisturbed samples
- Grain size distription using sieve analysis
- Grain size distription using hydrometer analysis
- Atterberg limits test
- Unit weight determination using the sand cone test
- Proctor compaction test
- Direct shear test
- Consolidation test
Earth Retaining Structures
Lecture Capture from my Winter 2015 Class at Cal Poly Pomona Youtube
Advanced Soil Mechanics
Lecture Capture from my Fall 2014 Class at Cal Poly Pomona Youtube